Letter From Our Founder & Visionary
Welcome to Our Christian Schools
What a grand responsibility we have been given to serve your children in a Christian environment that caters to the development of their spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical lives.
One of the greatest supporters and cheerleaders in my life was my mother, Rose Marie. She fiercely stood by my side because she knew I needed strength to truly make it in this world. Little did she know I would grow up to become an advocate for and teacher of so many as a Pastor, teacher of God’s Word and educator. Yes, she would be proud of my accomplishments but more than that – she would be overflowing with a grateful heart at the vision of more children supported and strengthened.
God has led me to share the vision for the University of Dreams at IBOC school system with everyone to ensure that we “inspire dreamers to excellence and enlightenment through a holistic and Christ-centered approach to education”. I am blessed with administrators, faculty, staff, parents, students and community members who are all committed to allowing U of D scholars to dream, articulate their goals and identify steps that bring their dreams into reality.
No one and no thing can stop our momentum – not now – not ever. IBOC Church is investing tremendously toward this educational endeavor in order to build up the body of Christ and to develop Christian leaders who possess 21st century skills that will lead to a marked decrease in the prison population. Our program is biblically-based intentionally and academically strong in order to set all U of D scholars on their path for success.
I personally invite you to join in with us by sharing the news that our U of D school system is addressing the needs of the whole child. We aspire to develop scholars who are productive citizens, world leaders and agents of change. Now THAT takes strength from Christ! If you are interested in giving a donation of any kind, please visit our donate page here.
Still dreaming,
Pastor Rickie G. Rush